GRC Benefits

Possible to Produce in unlimited options of surface shapes and textures

PREKKA (GRC)’s characteristics are not limited to being durable. ina PREKKA (GRC) can be produced in any requested pattern, texture and color. Can be colored with pastel tones to achieve a natural stone or wooden appearance.

The façade elements which store sunlight during daytime through the reflective materials which can be added into the mixture of ina PREKKA (GRC) will give your structure a unique and luminous appearance at night when the stored light is reflected. Thanks to this special surface, your building will have a lurninous appearance even in daylight.

Additional Interior Space

PREKKA (GRC) panel products are mounted on the structure outside the concrete with cladding logic and thus does not reduce the interior space.

Durable and Strong

High alkali resistant glass fibre with either Nippon brand or Cem-FIL with proven superior quality among other kinds of fibres or brands is being used in the composition of (GRC).Over time, low quality glass fibre goes into reaction with the alkali elements within the concrete and dissolves; the elements loose their characteristics and create serious securily and qualiry probleıns. PREKKA does not make any conces Sions froın quality for its supplıes and use of raw materials.

Water Proof

PREKKA (GRC)’ is impermeable to water due to the special polymer chemicals it contains. lf requested, it can also be made water repellent and resistant to contamination by adding special chemicals for the natural or seli colored PREKKA (GRC) concrete applıcations where paint is not applied.

The lap joints between the applied systems are sealed with polyurethane strips and polyurethane mastic. This way air-water flow is avoided and flexibility is provided for the movements of the façade elements.

Possible to Produce in the Requested Dimensions

PREKKA (GRC),products can be manufactured at any dimension according to the project details and applicability.

Durable against High Wind Velocity

Manufactured to resist high pressure and high wind velocity.

Light : Does not Bring Additional Weight to the Building

Because PREKKA (GRC) is produced in 1-1.5 an thickness, it is quite light. Thickness of 1 cm crust is approximately 20 kg/m2. When compared to the products with equal Insulation value, PREKKA (GRC) Therm products are 4 times lıghter (han conventional brick wall-plaster systems and 2 times lighter than eguivalent       (GRC) foam concrete systems .

Resistant to Earthquake

PREKKA (GRC) is being manufactured to withstand an earthquake with a magnitude of 9. Also it is mounted on the building with steel anchoring systems compatible with this system. PREKKA (GRC) system is a product which has been designed to tolerate the shuffling of weight which may occur during a possıble earthquake.

High Heat Insulation Value

PREKKA (GRC) Therm products are reinforced with rock wool used in heat Insulation and meet the TS825 Heat Insulation Standards used 117 Europe. Condensation is completely avoided through application of an aluminum folio over the rock wool.


PREKKA (GRC) products am the most fire resistant intlammable ınaterials at A1 classification. Do not catch fire when exposed to times and do not release toxic vapour. Along with the fire resistant properties of the concrete, the rock wool used in (GRC) Therm products also isolates the fire and forms a fire  barrier.

Provides Sound Insulation

1 cm thick PREKKA (GRC) panels provide sound insulation over 30db. These values can be further increased depending on the technical specifications of the projects by using rock wool and through other production techniques.

Ease of Mounting

PREKKA (GRC) panel products can be mounted faster than alternalwe facade systems due to its anchoring system.